We offer a broad range of environmental education opportunities to young people, individuals, community groups, schools and businesses; enabling and inspiring people to make a positive contribution to their local environment, develop skills and explore the natural environment.
We have been part of the landscape since 1985 providing Environmental Education in the Bradford district
Would you like to meet new people and connect with nature? Help us improve the biodiversity of grassland, aquatic and woodland habitats across Bradford district
Exploring a range of habitats to study their natural history and management issues relating to their upkeep
BEES offer a variety of services to schools, community groups, businesses and the general public
BEES have created a small nature reserve in partnership with the University of Bradford on land on their Laisteridge lane campus. The Reserve began life in 1990 and although it has seen several changes over the years, it still offers a wonderful space for wildlife near the city centre.
It consists of two medium sized ponds, an area of trees and wildflower rich grassland. The ponds host a large population of Brown Hawker dragonflies and several species of damselfly. Birds regularly seen include goldfinch, great tit, blue tit, long tailed tit, blackbirds and thrushes.
Our priorities for management this autumn are to remove some of the submerged and marginal vegetation to allow more open water. Unfortunately we have New Zealand Pygmy weed, an invasive non-native plant, in the pond which needs controlling. We will also manage the trees to allow more sunlight into the pond.
The Reserve offers a great opportunity for our conservation volunteer group and for local schools to visit for environmental education sessions which compliment the classroom curriculum.
The orchard was developed on six disused allotment plots adjacent to Bowling Park, we were asked to get involved to help improve the site and engage the local community in it’s ongoing development.
In March 2003 we planted over 40 trees including
The orchard is managed by our Conservation Volunteer group and we have established the Friends of Bowling Park Community Orchard who support with the vital ongoing management of the Orchard including our annual Apple Day community event.
In partnership with Hallmark and Bellevue Girls’ Academy YMCA Bradford’s BEES team support the woodland management at Stoney Ridge for its landscape, biodiversity and educational benefits, as well as promoting community engagement and cohesion projects.
The planation comprises of 40 acres of woodland
The site is also regularly used for our Shaping Spaces programmes where participants are able to connect with nature to help promote their wellbeing.
As the designs for Culture Fusion developed it was obvious the footprint of the building was going to cover almost all the available space. So in order to create a garden space the architects incorporated a first floor garden at the back of the building stretching out over Bradford Beck.
The planting plans for the garden were to create a wildflower meadow and plant a native hedge in the galvanised planters that surround the meadow area.
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