Today’s walk was conducted in cold but fine conditions. It brightened up in the afternoon but remained cold. The day was divided into two parts. In the morning, we completed a linear walk to Pauls Pond and return. In the afternoon we walked through Golden Acre park to Adel Dam YWT reserve, the majority of the party completing a circular walk around the wet woodland. A blessing was the café at Golden Acre park which enabled us to warm up and obtain sustenance for the afternoon walk.
We were looking for signs of spring which were limited to the shining snowdrops in Golden Acre park and the amorous overtures of the mandarin ducks, also some flowering shrubs including cherry plum blossom. However, a variety of bird life was observed through the bare stands of silver birch and alder. On our walk through Breary Marsh to Paul’s Pond we saw mistle thrush, treecreeper and nuthatch. On Paul’s Pond we observed a shoal of mandarin ducks (male and female). Also, on the Pond were tufted duck, swans, mallard, black headed gulls, a heron, little grebe and teal.
From the hide at Adel Dam we saw nuthatch, the tits blue, coal and long tailed tits at the feeders. Also, a good number of mandarin ducks (male and female) and moorhen. A group of jackdaws flew off as we approached the hide. On returning alongside the main lake, we saw tufted duck and teal. A goosander had been seen earlier. A buzzard circled in the sky.
Several fungi species were noted including turkey tail and curtain crust. A dead hedge had been newly created to afford some protection of the area of alder carr woodland from exercising dogs.
This was a satisfying day out for a party of 10 who were able to enjoy fine but cold weather conditions in usually inclement February.
Margaret Rees